The Piscataway Chiefs Boys Varsity Volleyball started the season at home firing on all cylinders at home against Perth Amboy, winning both sets on April 1st in the Anthony Gym.
The Chiefs swept Perth Amboy, winning the first set 25-7 and then winning the second set 25-5.

This all couldn’t have been done without Setter Muaz Hussainy, who had 24 assists and won game MVP.
This win was a big moral boost to the team and it ultimately provided them a lot of confidence for the rest of the season.
“I feel good.” said Piscataway Libero (defensive specialist) Jhoan Rosario, who had a stellar 19 digs over the course of the two sets.
Despite the game being 2 blowout wins, players think Perth Amboy will be a challenging team to face in coming years.
Hussainy said, “We’ve played better teams but it was definitely not as hard of a game.” Rosario added.“I mean, they’re good and all but they still have a lot of things to [improve on].”
Although the Chiefs players felt like they weren’t really challenged, they still identified a few things that Piscataway could do to continue improving.
“Yeah, I could have done better. My passing and my digs. I have to move faster to the ball. And cheer my team on more often,” said Rosario.
Here’s what Hussainy said about his own performance: “I could’ve served better for sure. [My] assists were honestly where I wanted them to be.”
As a result of the high standards these players have set for themselves, the Chiefs are 12-3 as of April 29th. This demonstrates the powerhouse Piscataway has become. They are ranked 1st by GMC boy volleyball in the white division and are also ranked 8th overall! Go Chiefs!