Scheduling for High School Students


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

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Scheduling is a process in which children are required to meet with their counselor to discuss their classes for the upcoming year if they are a freshman, sophomore or a junior. This is not just a process that helps them get ready for next year, it is a good way for their counselor to get to know them and for them to get to know their counselor.

“I enjoy planning meetings with students about scheduling because I get to see kids’ interests and I also can get to know them better in the process,” says Piscataway High School counselor Mark Kiang.

Scheduling also has benefits and advantages for the students that help them get ready for their upcoming year. 

“Scheduling makes everything easier because your schedule, classes and electives are already set up for next year,” says Kiang.

To elaborate, some people see scheduling as just a meeting with their counselor to talk about their classes. While others think this is an opportunity in which they can meet with their counselor, get to know them, let them to get to know them, prepare for the upcoming year and pick electives that will help reach what they want to major in when they get to college.

Therefore, scheduling is a very beneficial, thoughtful and courteous thing to do for the students because without scheduling, students’ upcoming years would be hectic and confusing. Thus, students should take the time to appreciate their counselors for making scheduling possible and helping them avoid a lot of trouble and confusion.Image result for mark kiang phs

High School counselor, Mark Kiang, is proud to be a counselor because he loves to help students and see them succeed and pursue their goals and dreams.’