Raising School Spirit Through Piscataway High School’s Pep Rally

PHS’s Pep Rally showcases the hard work of its students through a fun event


Wallace Lau and Tirth Patel

The 2022 Pep Rally begins!

PHS ROTC (Wallace Lau and Tirth Patel)

Mr. Horan, a teacher at PHS and now advisor for the SGA since 2019, had started doing pep rallies in 2016 when he was a student council advisor. Having helped plan PHS’s pep rallies since 2016 Mr. Horan notes how every year they tend to do some things differently and how specifically this year the planning and execution was student driven and student led.

“This year for example [the pep rally] is more student-led, so our students had more input on what activities we were going to do and how we were going to utilize our time,” said Mr. Horan. “Every year we get more and more student participation and I think that’s the best part.”

PHS Girls’ Tennis Team (Wallace Lau and Tirth Patel)

One of the most enjoyable aspects of the pep rally for many is the battle of the classes which this year included games such as “red light, green light” and fan-favorite tug of war. These games don’t only provide a fun activity for the classes to engage in but also provide the opportunity for classes to gain bragging rights over one another.

Mr. Horan prepares the tug-of-war (Wallace Lau and Tirth Patel)

Mr. Horan, who participated in this year’s tug of war tournament against some of the classes like others, definitely enjoys the competitive and fun spirited game.

“I love the tug of war during the battle of classes, tug of war tournament is my absolute favorite thing.”

The infamous tug-of-war (Wallace Lau and Tirth Patel)

SGA Officer and junior Azra Bano who has been a part of the club since her freshman year and officer since her sophomore year adds how the pep rally was a symbol of the hard work done by the student body and teachers.

“Hearing the cheers in a field of black and yellow, knowing we’d planned it, was the most rewarding part of it all”

The crowd roars! (Wallace Lau and Tirth Patel)

When asked about the process of planning the prep rally, Azra commented on how the pep rally is always one of the biggest student run events all year. Also adding how at the end of the day the prep rally was overall a success as the hard work of SGA officers and members was well worth it.

“The comeback of the pep rally after the pandemic was exciting for us all, and the incredible student body truly pieced it all together to conduct one of the best pep rallies’ PHS has ever seen.”

Student volunteers celebrating a successful Pep Rally (Wallace Lau and Tirth Patel)

The PHS 2022 pep rally helped give a warm welcome to our new freshman, salute our departing seniors, and celebrate the accomplishments of our award-winning athletics and hard-working clubs.