On December 5th, 2023, 90 juniors and seniors were inducted into the National Honors Society (NHS). The inductees received their certificates in the Piscataway High School PAC, then did a candle ceremony to take pledge for the NHS. This induction ceremony marks the first time allowing juniors into the NHS.

NHS members participate in numerous volunteering work. Members can participate in two of the blood drives, tutor students in the Homework Assistance Program, and other service projects. The new inductees have to document a minimum of 23 volunteering hours, while the spring inductees have to document at least 30 volunteering hours. All NHS members must also have 3+ tutoring hours in each marking period.
Ms. Cregar-Porch, the NHS Advisor, organized the induction ceremony with a small committee of seniors. She claimed that the whole ceremony was organized and went relatively smoothly.

“We were well prepared as we had everything set up,” said Ms. CP. “We broke up the [speaking, certificate, and photography] roles so that the event can run smoothly. Everything was done in less than an hour.”
Being inducted into the NHS is one step to receiving a graduation stole as NHS members must meet their volunteering hour requirements and have a 90+ GPA at the end of each marking period. When Ms. CP was asked to give final words of wisdom to the new inductees, she emphasized how students should get their tutoring hours in as soon as possible.
“Get your tutoring hours in early,” Ms. CP emphasized. “In the beginning, members waited until [the end of the marking period] to get their hours.”
The National Honors Society is a big commitment to all of the members. All of its members must follow the four pillars that the NHS was founded on: Character, Service, Leadership, and Scholarship. Inducting the junior class into the NHS allows more students to learn more about collaborating with others and giving back to the community.

Raahim Hashmi • Feb 23, 2024 at 2:27 pm
Love this read! Super interesting.